Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Snips and Snails???

Now that we have a boy there are a few unaddressed anatomy questions. I am very aware that kids need correct information, and I am all for keeping the little people in the know, but I don't love them hollering that their (insert proper anatomy part ) hurts while I peruse the isles at Target. So we give things a little tweak so I can stand to talk about them in mixed company. Cute girl number 1 got a bit confused.

#1 to me (as I change the boy's diaper): he-he" I just can't keep it straight. Is it really called a u-nis or a wee-nit?"

Me: Uh neither.

I had to run to the bathroom to snigger my head off.
I don't think I have cleared that one up yet. I am excited to hear her next idea. :)


The Plewe Clan said...

You can always use the phrase "business" when referring to the boy parts. Everyone laughs but it is so much more pleasant when Carter says "my business hurts" rather than the other stuff in Target. The only problem is that when Caden was younger someone mentioned business in another context and he was totally confused!

Tracy said...

Abby-We have alot to learn about "Boy's business". While I was watching Carter I was totaly confused on how to help him go to the bathroom. I think Jeff and Mark have to do anything related to Boy's business!

The Carlii said...

Oh Julia. I am laughing so hard right now that there are tears. Real tears. Oh my goodness I miss you guys! Good luck with your anatomy lessons...

Anonymous said...

we taught Nolan to use 'cannon' and it stuck because he was really into pirates then. Then we moved to Ut, land of different-er names, and he became friends with about 3 Cannons.