At 9:33 this (Sunday) morning I was finally freed from internal turmoil and as my prize for 9 months of bondage, a sweet 8.2 lb, 21 inch little boy. He is the cutest!! He has lots of fluffy brown hair, and the sisters decided we could keep him. Yeah!

HOORAY!!!!! I am so excited for you guys and a little jealous. Can't wait to see some pictures!
yay!! I heard it all went well and we are so happy for you! cant wait to see the cute little guy!
I know I wrote before...but now there are pictures!!What a BEAUTIFUL baby boy!! he is so cute and the girls are just precious with him! I am glad they agreed to keep him:) Hope the hospital is treating you well:)
It was so fun to see the little guy! He is a keeper.
I just loved holding him! Can't wait for more pictures. Austin will be thrilled for some manly companions!
Oh Abby he is just perfect! Congrats to you all! Does he have a name??? I wish i was closer i'm jealous of Tracy holding him already. Give him a little squeeze from the Mouritsen gang. I can't wait to see more pics.
Wonderful!! He is so cute. You are a true blogger. But then we all know you are Super Woman.
Can't wait to see him.
Markham and Abby -
CONGRATS!! Jackson is a doll!!!! My goodness, he's perfect! But ... I wouldn't expect anything less from you, two! You definitely know how to grow 'em!
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