Tuesday, January 31, 2006

My kids are funny

Ju-Be is really quiet funny. She is 3, and adds her own twist to life.

This morning she and Little Reggie (3yr. old boy that comes to play 40+ hours a week) were playing on my bed. Apparently they were having a tea party. I entered, a dialogue ensued...

J.: Mom, we are having a tea party

me: Fun, you and Little Reggie are such good friends

J.:Mom, you can't just be in here with our tea party


J.:Welllll, because all our brothers and sisters are here at the party and they really don't know what to do if you are here, so you really need to leave. Now. please, mom.

me:Who are your brothers and sisters?

J: Well there's Connie, Alice, and Manuel,....... Frances, and Jacob, but not Mindy.
Me: Why not Mindy?

J: She's not here mom, because... She is really dead.
She is dead because she smoked a lot. She made some bad choices and now she's dead.

me: Um, I'm sorry to hear about Mindy. (this was my first knowledge of Mindy)(and my first glimpse at the internalization ,by a 3 yr. old,of the whole smoking kills thing. I need to work out the dramatics.)

J.:Its okay mom she'll be fine cause she is just in heaven.
All my brothers and sisters are still in heaven because Daddy says you are taking a long time to have more kids; so all I have is one little sister and that's not enough.

Now can you please go, we are trying to have a tea party!

Needless to say, I had to go.

It is amazing the things you can learn when you crash a tea party.
Poor Mindy. I bet she was a really nice gal.