Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Potty training logic

I am officially no longer potty training; the girl is trained!! Yes folks, there has been successful dryness of all panties for a few days now. We even made a dry trip to Ikea this afternoon. Way to go child #2!!
The only thing I get concerned about is the frequency that the solids, or rather the infrequency.
The girl never has to go that route. I finally asked her why.
the answer of the day...

"My poops are just sleeping in my buns. They are tired and are not ready to come out. When they wake up I will help them into the potty."

There you have it. I guess I have always been inconsiderate about such things. Now that I know I will try not to interfere.


teuscher travels said...

Totally made me smile at work! That is really good information to know! She is hysterical and I am thrilled that you will have a couple days off of diaper duty!

The Skeen's said...

You are the master! I'm so glad I don't have to do this anymore. Kelly is under some pressure to get this done as well.

The Plewe Clan said...

HOORAY!!! Now, if I can just keep the streak going! By the way, went and got a pregnancy massage tonight...greatest thing ever!!! That lady is my bestfriend even though she does not know it...she told me it could make me go into labor---worth the try!!!!

Tracy said...

Sleeping poop in buns...I love it! Taylor must have had narcolpetic poops! :) Go Ava!!

Ryan and Megan said...

Hey Abby! It's Megan (Skeen) Spiers, I have jumped on the bandwagon and i am a blogger now. Congrats on the success in potty training! WOO HOO!