Thursday, June 29, 2006

How long is too long? And other questions I need answers to.

Quick question(s)...

How long can clean laundry sit on the living room couch, before I should be embarrassed that it is still there?

How long can I go without cleaning the bath tub before it is unsanitary, and my kids are no longer considered clean after soaking in it?

How often should I sweep under my fridge. (the little boy I watch informed me that it was "a bit hairy under there."

Is it better to bather children in the morning, or before bed?

It there are no finger prints in the dust on my shelves, can I leave it a bit longer?

Are weeds a form of ground cover?

Do I wash the children's sacred blankets each week, or do I let them ferment a few days more and keep the peace? (one of them is particularly attached to a small area of her blanket that "smells a bit like dog". (we don't have a dog))

Do dust bunnies breed like rabbits?

I feel like I should know the answers to most of these, but I find myself wondering if I am stretching things a bit, and if I am not, how much more rope can I give myself before I am strung up by my housework demons.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Renting, you can smell the savings

Last you heard I was looking at million dollar crack houses.
I have made it through that rough spot and I am now resigned to being a life-time renter.

It has its perks. When the roots of the tree on the street grow into my sewer pipe and they make the kitchen disposal back up into the bath tub, I don't have to pay for it.

But my heart does twinge for the nice man with the gloves and the mask, and the other nice man that banged a hole in the sewer pipe, and had splash-idge. (yucky) But then the said splashed man just left the hole wide open with the pipe not fixed and threw a big orange metal street sign kind of over it and didn't come back for 9 days, so my heart really isn't very empathetic toward him any more. I have actually been wondering if it would me horrible to just flush the potty (empty of course) when he is down there fixing the hole, because he has taken so dang LONG!

I am a little bugged by the wide open sewer hole by the front door. It isn't exactly screaming WELCOME to the home teachers!

But other than that renting is perfect!