Friday, February 3, 2006

No Glitz, No Glam, I'm Still Okay

I am just a regular gal.
Sometimes I find myself thinking I could do more. I could be someone amazing in the "real" world.
I have no real career to speak of. I am a mom. I do mom things, with kids who have dried booger trails, and stained shirt fronts.
I love what I do, but sometimes I hesitate when people ask me about my vocation.

Hey what's your name?__________. I'm Abby.. Nice to meet you.

Oh you're a nuclear physicist?



I"m a stay-a-home-mom.

I know, I know. It is such an amazing career choice. It's been really hard to pick a specialty, but right now I am leaning toward a PHD in potty training. I am still interested in play-doh and stick figures, but maybe I can have a double minor.
(okay, so I made that response up, but if my world were perfect, it could happen like that.)

Sometimes I feel like making up some really interesting vocation, just to spice things up, but I am not good at lying...and I am glad that I am home with my kids.

I am happy to be shaping the future generation. I just wish that it sounded glitzier. I want a mini-van to be cool, edgy,and hot, and diaper bags to be the newest rage.

Maybe, what I really want is to seem accomplished and intelligent. Because I choose to stay home with my kids doesn't mean that I couldn't hack it in the business world.

I think I need to work on a new title. Stay-at-home-mom is well used. Maybe I should tell people I am a milestone development specialist, and that I dabble in arts and crafts,
That way if they send their kids off to day care every day they won't feel judged by the fact that I don't, and we can all be friends.

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