Thursday, February 2, 2006

I Like Preschool

Today I went to preschool.

I took the triple threat with me; Ju-Be, Little Reggie, and Poly Pocket. (Poly's mom and I swap baby care and car pooling. Today I had the car pooling, hence the triple instead of the double threat.)

I belong to a preschool co-op. Which means that 28 times a year I get to see what really happens when 15 three year olds gather in one place. (Most parents only get to go 14 times, but two kids equals twice the fun.)

Before I started working in preschool I far underestimated the abilities of three year old children. They are capable of oh-so much.

Here was todays breakdown:

15 children can complete the most elaborate valentines day calendar known to man in the alotted 45 minutes. (they also were able to encase a baby food jar lid in play-doh shapes as well, but that was someone elses sucess. I don't have the stats on that one.)

12 are concious about glue conservation.

10 can complete the project without tears or complaining.

9 can write their name un-aided.

8 can cut effectively with scissors

6 are sticker hogs

5 write their name backwards (all boys? I hear thatis common)

4 don't like pink hearts (once again all boys)

3 think glue is an inexhaustable resource

2 shouldn't handle permanent markers (who sets out permanent markers for a group of three year olds?)

1 Is proof that all scissors should be blunted on the end until adult hood, and possibly beyond.

All in all it was a successful day. No one wet their pants, there were no second degree burns as a result of improper pancake making edicut, no one went home early because of foot and mouth disease, and I can finally understand the little boy with the speech impediment. Sweet!

As I buckled the triple threat into their car seats I thought about how much I really like working at preschool. Its nice to be reminded that no one else's kids are perfect, but that we all keep trying. For me thats what preschool is all about. If at first you don't succeed try, try again. And they do! (Most of them)